SHIFT partner Université de Montpellier presented SHIFT with publication in conference proceedings during the RADECS 2023 Conference in September 2023 in Toulouse, France. The project was discussed within the publication titled “Effects of X-ray and Cobalt 60 irradiations on advanced Si/SiGe:C HBTs DC characteristics”.
The RADiation and its Effects on Components and Systems Conference (RADECS) is the annual European scientific and industrial forum on radiation and its effects on electronics and photonic materials, devices, circuits, sensors and systems. Every year, it attracts hundreds of scientists and engineers from all over the world who exchange on the latest advances and results about:
Basic Mechanisms of Radiation Effects, including Total Non-Ionizing Dose (TNID) and effects on materials
Radiation Effects on Devices and Integrated Circuits:
Total Ionizing Dose (TID)
Total Non-Ionizing Dose (TNID)
Synergistic Effects
Single Event Effects (SEE)
Radiation Environments
Radiation Test Facilities & Dosimetry
Radiation Hardening Techniques (Device, board and system level)
Radiation Hardness Assurance
Radiation Effects on Photonics, Optoelectronics and Sensors
The 2023 edition took place in Toulouse, the “Pink City”, European capital of aeronautic & space industries. It was organised by CNES, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, the French Space Agency on behalf of the RADECS Association and was technically co-sponsored by the IEEE-NPSS.